Shop Tour

Shop Tour

What sets us apart: bringing cutting-edge technology to traditional fine craft.

“Cutting edge” gets quite literal around here. Our shop has many computer controlled saws, lathes, mills, and more–all programmed and operated by our expert technicians and craftspeople.

At Cache River Mill, we use CAD software to model and engineer our projects before making a single cut. This allows us to construct your project in a virtual world, and then simulate the cuts on a virtual CNC machine in real time. By doing this, we ensure that every detail is correct before bring the project into the real world, thereby saving time and material and ensuring the machine will run safely and efficiently. We have 3-axis and 5-axis CNC mills as well as many connected tools that allow us to monitor and ensure shop safety remotely.

Our North Little Rock wood and metal shop has the tools, the experience, and the expertise to help you complete almost any project.

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